Looking to the Future
As an important community along the busy Interstate 35 corridor, Gainesville is beginning to see significant development interest. The community is attractive thanks to its functional downtown and existing housing stock, as well as its ample developable land. However, residents and businesses enjoy the community’s rural character.
This project is designed to explore opportunities that strategically guide the City in navigating its future needs while retaining the community’s character.
The Plans
Comprehensive Plan
Align with the City’s vision for sustainable growth, economic development, efficient land use, quality of life, general health, walkability, and creation of a sense of place.
Project Philosophy
Due Diligence
Due diligence and data review for all three plans will be performed simultaneously to preserve time and acknowledge elements important to each plan. Each plan has its own focus, but they will each impact and benefit one another.
Optimized ENgagement
We will work to optimize public and stakeholder meetings and engagement by collecting relevant feedback as available and reasonable. Unique stakeholder groups may require more focused engagement and feedback.
Plan Development
We will prioritize the completion of the Comprehensive Plan first and allow for the Downtown Master Plan and the Parks and Trails Plan to respond to the overarching goals of the community as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan.
Funding Alignment
Funding is an important factor to consider. Given the unprecedented amount of resources, we will work to align implementation tasks with relevant funding as soon as possible, even before plan completion, if possible.