
Frequently Asked Questions

Comprehensive Plans are tools that provide strategic guidance and direction for the future growth and development of the community and establish a 10- to 20-year vision for the City. A comprehensive plan is a foundational document that:

  • Establishes and guides City policies and decisions;
  • Combines City plans into one document;
  • Provides the basis for zoning and land use decisions; and
  • Provides the basis for Capital Improvement Plans.

While the plan will be comprehensive, it is not meant to be a static, unchanging document. The plan should be referenced often, reviewed annually, and updated as needed to better reflect changing community conditions and trends.

A Downtown Master Plan is a blueprint for the future with a focus on Gainesville’s Downtown center. The Master Plan is created by the community and will result in a set of policies and programs that direct the growth and development of the Downtown area.

The purpose of a Parks & Trails Master Plan is to serve as a road map for long-range priorities related to existing and future parks, trails, recreation facilities, programs, operations, preservation, maintenance, and funding over the next ten years.

This project is scheduled to begin at the end of July 2024 and is expected to take approximately sixteen (16) months to complete.

Getting involved in public participation in a planning process such as this is an exciting opportunity for everyone in the community. By participating, you can shape the future of Gainesville.

Your input and feedback are invaluable in making sure that the plan reflects the community’s needs, aspirations, and unique character.

We will be offering numerous workshops and other outreach opportunities to collect your feedback. Check back on this website or follow Gainesville’s social media pages to be sure you are notified of opportunities.

In the meantime, send us a message by submitting a comment on this page.

There’s nobody who knows Gainesville better than those who live here. We would love to see your photo and even possibly use it as an illustration for this project. You can send us up to three (3) photos by visiting this link.

Antero Group, an urban planning and engineering firm in Downtown Denton; Chicago, Illinois; and Denver, Colorado; was selected by the City of Gainesville to develop these plans with the assistance of Valley Quest Design–a Downtown Denton-based full-service landscape architecture studio–and Urban3, a consulting firm specializing in land value economics, property tax analysis, and community design.

